Swimming Pool Guarantee

15 Year structural guarantee

This guarantee will become invalid should the fibreglass swimming pool not be kept full of water at all times.

This guarantee does not extend to or cover any travel and/or accommodation as well as items external to the fibreglass shell structure. All items external to the fibreglass shell, such as the workmanship, gellcoat, copings, paved surround, mosaic, piping, plumbing accessories are guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of installation. The Filter, Electrical Motor and anything else mechanical or electronic are covered by the items manufacturer’s guarantee. All guarantees are expressly excluded on all gelcoats against fading and / or discoloration.

This guarantee would become invalid should the pool and component parts be damaged by Earth quakes, Floods, Earth Movement or disasters not occasioned by Advance Pools such as Explosions, Wrecking and the like.

This guarantee clearly defines that defects or failures caused by obvious mistreatment or neglect shall be repaired or serviced at the owners expense.

Neither the original purchasers rights nor Advance Pools’s obligations as specified in the guarantee are transferable in any way to any other party.

This guarantee is invalid unless an official guarantee certificate, completed and signed by a Duly Authorized Officer of Advance Pools has been handed over to the owner, which would only being effected on full and final payment within seven days of practical completion by Advance Pools.

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